Cleansing Wind

Today I am sitting here at the station writing, looking out the door at the beauty God has created and watching the wind swirl around. I am so excited about the season that is coming, not just in the spiritual but in the physical. I get to experience something here in Tonga that I don't get to experience in Southern California. Warm weather and something maybe scary to you, but cyclone season is coming. I am so sure that to you, I sound crazy. CYCLONE Season?!?!? But I love wind and the power it has to make things new in a different way than any rain can ever do. I know that it can be scary and it can do damage to things differently, but at least in my life, there is something that changes in me with the wind. I am watching the trees rustle and the grass wave as the wind blows and I can just see God moving in through wind. I can feel the gentle kiss of breeze on my skin and know that somehow change is coming, whether in me or around me, change is coming. I guess I like the calm feeling of knowing that God is big enough to calm the wind with just a word, or He can give me peace in the midst of the wind. Either way, it is what He desires for me, either way it is His way that makes me at rest. I love the gentleness of a breeze to come and clean the air. There is a joy inside my soul that knows that this is the winds of change coming and clearing away the things that may hinder my mind from being completely present in this time and God is allowing change to happen. I am so blessed to just know that God sees my heart and even before I speak something, He has already answered it. Although rain cleanses and clears a path sometimes that we need, Wind can come in and make something so clean and just like when the Red Sea was parted, the Israelites walked on Dry Land, when the winds come, we can too walk on Dry Land. Thank you Lord for the wind that comes and can make things new by your will. I love you Jesus!!!


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