Tough Questions need answers too

I am working more closely with teen than ever before and I love them all so much! They are so inspiring and that is why I am writing this today. As of late, I have had some really interesting conversations and I just pray that maybe this will allow you to understand that we all face the same things, even if they are different circumstances and that we are more alike than we give credit. I had two different conversations today with teenagers and they went something like this: Me: "So how are things going at school and all?"
Teen: "Fine but (blah, blah, blah) is going on I feel like I can only tell you."
Although I am flattered by this gesture, I am seeing a pattern in that we are not allowing this next generation speak because of the things that they are faced with and want to talk about may be too taboo in the church. No one who has gone before this "ME" generation has had to face the constant struggle with technology and finding the balance. I can't tell you how hard it is on a wednesday night it has been at times for the kids to release their phones to us for just 2 hours. I will say at times I am guilty of it too. I just see how hard it is for them to feel this sense of disconnection to the world in a room FULL of people. I am not hear to talk about all that but I bring this up because in the realm of technology comes the media saturated teen who for a boy is faced with the media telling them that the only way to be happy is with money, cars and hot girls. Girls are faced with the fact that if they don't look like the girl on the cover of the latest seventeen magazine, then they aren't pretty enough and NOT worthy of Love. Now we as adults look at that and may chuckle because we know that isn't where your worth comes from, but are we telling the next generation that they could possibly get it wrong if they believe this? Or do we only tell them that they did get it wrong after it is too late? I want to be someone who speaks truth to the teenagers and hopefully prepares them for what they could face, I want them to know how to live and not always have to be fixing the mistakes they already made. You may be asking yourself, how do I do this? Or what makes this crazy girl think they will listen to me? What do I have to say that is so important? Well part of these come from knowing people as individuals, but mostly I believe that we haven't always made ourselves available to be asked the tough questions. I want these kids to ask me ALL the questions they need to and not all of my answers will be throwing scripture at them. You may not like that but I am ok with that and you may have other ideas in how to do this better. I am alright with that too. I just want to make sure that we consider our choices too. I am not an expert, I just love teenagers so much that I will do whatever I can to reach them. I believe that we need to be able to talk about the tough questions and if we don't have an answer for them right away, that we find an answer and share it with them. Let me give you an example: This past weekend we went to a Purity Conference and there were different sessions that we went to where we could all ask questions about sex and purity. It was a place where we talked about things such as internet dangers, Masturbation, sexual healing and many other topics. Our youth decided to go and take these hard to hear classes to know what purity is and why we believe what we believe. Why do we have a tendency to leave it alone all year and then when it comes time, we talk about it? If this is something that they are DAILY faced with, then why is it so TABOO? I am tired of being quiet and I want these kids to know that even if NO ONE else will listen to their questions, I will. I believe that a lot of us feel like that, but I desire not to be a safe christian. I desire not to be a boring, can't do anything outside of church, don't talk about anything but the love of Jesus christian. I want to be like Jesus, and I believe that Jesus pushed the envelope. I believe that Jesus would do whatever it takes to get to the heart of the matter, and I believe that NO subject is too TABOO for us to talk about. Jesus turned over the tables in the temple and healed the sick on the sabbath. He pushed the envelope a lot and I want to live like that. I want to do the unpopular thing so that someone can know Christ. If you have read my post about giving a prostitute a party and if you haven't you should because then you will understand my heart even more about getting in the trenches with people and showing them Jesus. Please don't misunderstand what I am trying to say and think that I think we need to sin to show Jesus to others, Jesus didn't and if I want to be like Him that isn't my heart either, but I believe that we need to do the uncomfortable thing and speak truth about things we all face. The greatest lie that the enemy tells us, besides that he doesn't exist, is that no one else understands how you feel and you are totally alone in this. I don't EVER want someone to feel that way around me. I want them to know that they will at the least get an "I don't know the answer but let me get back to you on that" from me and NOT an awkward stare disappointing look. I want anyone at anytime to ask anything that is on their mind so that they know someone isn't afraid to listen. I challenge you with this today, make yourself available to be asked the awkward, tough questions. Make yourself available to the ones you would normally run from and see what opportunities God gives you. It says in His word that He won't give you more than you can handle so be ready willing and able. I am going to leave you with something I wrote tonight, thinking of being a teenager and some of the emotions I faced.
Walking the way that I have gone for so long
just doesn't feel the same anymore
I need something new
to make me let go of you
time after time I fight it so hard
and now you make me want you
why do you do this to me?
why can't you see what you do?
if you were to raise your hand
it would hurt less than what you are doing right now
I almost wish you would just because at least the pain would heal
how did you get into my heart?
how can I make you see?
what in the world are you asking for now
that requires all of me?
I have told you before and I'll tell you again
I need time and space and not to be friends
I really need this to end
you can't have all of me...
but why is it so wrong?
The reasons why they say
don't hold up anymore.
I want the truth in all of this
and no one wants me to ask it