Tough Questions need answers too

I am working more closely with teen than ever before and I love them all so much! They are so inspiring and that is why I am writing this today. As of late, I have had some really interesting conversations and I just pray that maybe this will allow you to understand that we all face the same things, even if they are different circumstances and that we are more alike than we give credit. I had two different conversations today with teenagers and they went something like this: Me: "So how are things going at school and all?" Teen: "Fine but (blah, blah, blah) is going on I feel like I can only tell you." Although I am flattered by this gesture, I am seeing a pattern in that we are not allowing this next generation speak because of the things that they are faced with and want to talk about may be too taboo in the church. No one who has gone before this "ME" generation has had to face the constant struggle with technology and finding the balance. I can't t...