Weakness and Strength In One Person

I have someone who is the cause of some of my greatest victories, she was there cheering me on. She is the one person that I could allow to see me in ANY situation. She is the one person I can share EVERYTHING with and not think twice about it. She is the one person that never judged me for my most EMBARASSING choices, who ALWAYS told me the truth and protected me at all costs. She is selfless and caring. I delight in her friendship and I KNOW that no matter what I was doing or going though, She would protect me and be loyal to the end. Even if it meant destroying EVERYTHING else in her life. She was the person who saw me through every small and big event over the past 10 years and whether victory or defeat, she is and will always be in my corner. God has done a lot in our lives over the past 10 years. I met her at church and we began to build a friendship on God, sort of, at least it started that way. We were both walking through some really hard times and I knew that no matter what, ...