Washed by Music

Ok so I know its been a bit but I wanted you to know that God has sparked some new things in me. I have recently been encouraged to listen to a band that a lot of my friends have been listening to. Si I went to see them live and they were AMAZING! Typically it isn’t my style of music but they are definitely ordained by God. I really like one of the songs that they played at the end of their set. I have been listening to it for weeks. I am a totally addict in regards to this song and I can’t seem to listen to it enough. I want it to penetrate my soul. The other day after listening to it about 5x’s on the way home, Yes I said 5x’s. It finally hit me that he was singing about something that TOTALLY happened in my life. I couldn’t believe it. I realized why I connected with this song. I am so glad. Even now as I write this, it comes up for me to listen to on my iPod. My point in telling you this is that you NEVER know what God will use to continue to heal your past hurts, BE OPEN!!! I was ...