Standing on a Mustard Seed

Although, Faith is a foundational truth it has also been coming up alot in my daily life, as something that needs to increase in me and in others. There are things that God has promised each of us and I know that sometimes it may seem like you have been praying for something that God isn't hearing you on, but not always is that the case. There is a TIME and a place for EVERYTHING. I believe that eventhough it may SEEM like the right time, there may be one or two or ten things that need adjusting. Are you willing to wait for your promises or are you willing to throw them away on account of them not happening in YOUR time? Are you wanting it RIGHT NOW or are you willing to wait so that the timing is SWEETER than it ever could have been before? In this immediately world we live in, are you willing to wait on GOD? This is harder than it may seem, especially when the things that God has promised you are GOOD things and will change your world around you, are you willing to wait for the p...