Unveil my eyes...

The past few days I have been reminded of how often God speaks and desires us to listen and yet we often mistake that for ourselves or outer noise. Well I have been desiring for God to speak more to me and so I spoke the same words Samuel did as a child. "Speak to me Lord, for your servant is listening." WOW!!! Talk about opening the flood gates of Heaven. I think as I did that something in MY spirit broke and was able to hear more clearly what to listen for. I have learned that when my spirit is silent and when I have one ear to the Lord in all I do, that is when I can hear him more clearly. Now sometimes it takes more than asking once, sometimes you have to pursue it and continue to ask and push through the struggle. And yet other times there is this grace that flows down from Heaven that is given to me just at the right time. I want you to know that even now I am attentive to what you need to hear and so I am being as obedient as possible to write out His very Heart for YO...